Call to Worship*
Communal Votum*: Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth. Amen.
Congregational Singing: Psalm 72:1,5,8,10*
Ten Words and Assurance of Pardon
Congregational Singing: Psalm 130: 2,3,4
Prayer of Confession, Renewal, and Illumination
Reading of Holy Scripture: Isaiah 61:1–62:5, Acts 11
Congregational Singing: Psalm 87:1-5
Reading of Text: Acts 11:19-30
Ministry of the Word:
The hand of the Lord plants a church also in Antioch!
(1) The planting: seed meets soil
(2) The watering: good teachers
(3) The growth: known and named
(4) The fruit: food for Jerusalem
Congregational Singing: Hymn 61:1,2*
Prayer of thanksgiving and intercession
Offertory: Word & Deed
Congregational Singing: Psalm 67:1,2,3*
Benediction* [with Congregational “Amen”]
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Earlier Event: June 4
Afternoon service - live stream
Later Event: June 11
Afternoon service - live stream